Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 on Tuesday!

I'm stealing this 10 on Tuesday from some other blogs I read :)

1. Caden and I are sick... BLAH But we are both on some drugs so we are on the mend.

2. My idiot neighbor who hit my truck is DENYING it so his insurance wont pay for my truck to be fixed.. Its a good thing our deductible is only $250.. Still really really sucks

3. My sister got a new car and its SO cute!! I love it. I'll post pics soon. Its a 2009 Scion TC, white with a sun roof and a spoiler.

4. Chad is trying to sell his 4wheeler, he may come home from work without it. He wants to buy a motorcycle, to bad for him, he married me! haha

5. Amy and Cole are in town!!!!! I can NOT wait to go see them. I play on going out this weekend. Caley and Melissa went last night. Caley loved seeing Cole and Amy

6. Chad and I love craigslist! I've been selling some of Caley and Caden's baby stuff. Swing, bumbo, papasan. Its great! Chad bought his current 4wheeler off of craigslist and sits on it every night looking for someone who wants to trade for his 4 wheeler or looking for something to buy once he sells his

7. I can NOT believe it 2009.. Seriously last year seemed to just fly by. Caden will be 10 months old this Saturday, which means in 2 SHORT months my baby will be 1!!! I cant believe it

8. We went to my uncle David's Saturday night to say bye to my cousin Bryan. He is going to the Army! I'm so excited for him and hope everything goes well. We havent seen David and Lisa and all the kids in a while and it was AWESOME to be with them all.

9. My cousin Scott and his daughter Kenna and my other cousins daughter Emma came over Saturday. The girls and Caley had so much fun playing together!

10. Finally, today is my Monday at work since I was home with my sick baby yesterday, and I already wish it were Friday.......

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I know its supposed to be wordless but here are a couple of pics from January 2008

Thursday, January 8, 2009

December pictures

I just uploaded like 150 something pictures today and I'm going to share some :) and add a few updates

Caden is crawling all OVER the place. He can also crawl ALL the way up the stairs, so we had to pull out the baby gate. He just started to stand up without holding onto anything this week! He will take one step forward and then fall. Its so cute and he gets so excited! He is a little dare devil already and that SCARES momma! Caden LOVES playing in the play room with Caley. He also LOVES LOVES LOVES his baths, since his eczema is so bad he only gets one every other day and they cant be long. He screams when you take him out. He also is into big people food. He isn't big on his baby food anymore and so far I haven't found any food he doesn't like!

Caley is getting big! She and her pappy ride their 4wheelers, almost daily. Some days its just to cold. I went riding with her on NYE and she just amazes me. She does great and has so much fun. She still loves her baby brother. He can pull her hair or scratch her or steal her toys and she doesn't care in the least. She just says its okay mommy he's not hurting me.... Caley also loves bath time, but always has. She is not a great eater but she is actually getting better. She got 1 of her 4 year shots in November and then once in December. She didn't cry either time. I warn her ahead of time and she prepares herself, as I said she is getting SO big. The doctor comment on how good she is and how well she has self control. Caley got an easel from Santa for Christmas and she is slowly starting to write things like her name, our names and her last name. I was sitting in there with her one day and asked her if she wanted to try to right her name and was amazed when she did it! I've never tried to have her write before.