Caden is crawling all OVER the place. He can also crawl ALL the way up the stairs, so we had to pull out the baby gate. He just started to stand up without holding onto anything this week! He will take one step forward and then fall. Its so cute and he gets so excited! He is a little dare devil already and that SCARES momma! Caden LOVES playing in the play room with Caley. He also LOVES LOVES LOVES his baths, since his eczema is so bad he only gets one every other day and they cant be long. He screams when you take him out. He also is into big people food. He isn't big on his baby food anymore and so far I haven't found any food he doesn't like!
Caley is getting big! She and her pappy ride their 4wheelers, almost daily. Some days its just to cold. I went riding with her on NYE and she just amazes me. She does great and has so much fun. She still loves her baby brother. He can pull her hair or scratch her or steal her toys and she doesn't care in the least. She just says its okay mommy he's not hurting me.... Caley also loves bath time, but always has. She is not a great eater but she is actually getting better. She got 1 of her 4 year shots in November and then once in December. She didn't cry either time. I warn her ahead of time and she prepares herself, as I said she is getting SO big. The doctor comment on how good she is and how well she has self control. Caley got an easel from Santa for Christmas and she is slowly starting to write things like her name, our names and her last name. I was sitting in there with her one day and asked her if she wanted to try to right her name and was amazed when she did it! I've never tried to have her write before.

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