Thursday, November 6, 2008

Preschool and Jack

Caley started a 'preschool' class on November 3rd! So far its going well. She cried on the 2nd day but hasn't cried since. The teachers told Pappy that she is VERY smart and the teacher told my mom that all the kids LOVE Caley. This is only through the month of November. It goes on throughout the year but its put a strain on everyone having to take her and pick her up.

Here is a picture of her on her first day!

And Jack...

I have never met precious Jack or his family in person but this little boy made such a big impact on so many lives. He was born with CHD (congenital heart defect) November 15, 2005. Jack was a couragious little man who lost his fight on October 31, 2008. Jack loved the color red and firetrucks. To honor him the kids and I wore red on the day of his funeral, we actually buried my uncle on the same day 8 years ago, we were with his parents and family in spirit.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh my gosh! I just came across this. God bless you guys, it means so much to me!