8 years... Sometimes 8 years feels like a life time ago, other times it feels like yesterday.
Uncle Bret passed away 8 years ago tonight. I remember that night. Where I was, what I was doing, the weather. Such a sad night for my entire family. I cant believe it's been 8 years. I was 17. The last 8 years have sort of gone by fast for the most part. Sometimes it seems like its going in slow motion.
I miss my uncle terribly. I know everyone in the family does too. Unfortunatly for us, life goes on. The minutes the day the months and the years - 8 years. He is the only person I've lost who I was really close too. Those first minutes, days and months you just don't know how to go on. You dont know how life will go on without your loved one. A lot of great things have happened in these 8 years for all of us and I'm so thankful for that. It breaks my heart he isnt here for these things. Seeing his daughter graduate high school and college. Meeting his sons wife and his first grandson, named after him. His wife who misses him dearly. All his great neices and nephews.
We miss you so much Uncle Bret. I think of you and miss you daily.
I love you Uncle Bret